Here we are at the end of another week... lots of new items were released today, as well as a new title for Weiβ Schwarz!!
Didn't expect Wooser to appear here, did you? XD
Anyway, see you all back here next week!! ^_^/
Anyway, see you all back here next week!! ^_^/
Weiß Schwarz
"It's the first time all 4 of us got time off together,let's try to have lots of fun!"
Happy feeling, Akari 太陽あかり from 「幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽」
Weiß Schwarz
"You are free"Young Cerebrum ケルブレム from 「幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽」
Weiß Schwarz
"Time Machine"Hatsune Miku 初音ミク from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Strange"Mysterious combination [Shijo Takane] & [Takanya] 四条貴音&たかにゃ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"The weather is great, should we just clean up the office-"Strength under green combination [Otonashi Kotori] & [Piyo Piyo] 音無小鳥&ぴよぴよ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"Ah, it's Hime! That's great!"Ramen delivery, Rin 東鈴 from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"With those results, they began to refer to him as 'Immortal'"Immortal, Asura Kaiser 永劫不敗(イモータル) アシュラ・カイザー
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"It's a secret spell. Pain...... pain...... fly and go!"Order Celestial, Yeqon
Monster Collection
Demonic Blast Dragon, Rudra 爆風の魔竜ルドラ from 伝説のブースターパック「不滅なる聖騎士」
King of Pro-wrestling
Backflip バックフリップ
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