Thursday, November 7, 2013


From the WizKids Website

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HILLSIDE, NJ — November 7, 2013 — WizKids/NECA, the global leader in collectible miniature gaming, today announced that the company has entered into an agreement making Esdevium Games the exclusive distributor of its English-language products to all European territories.

“We have chosen Esdevium to be our sole distributor in Europe with the aim of replicating the successful growth and support we’ve experienced in the UK and bringing it to all of Europe,” said WizKids president Justin Ziran.

The move mirrors a proven distribution model used by WizKids in the United States, where a single point of contact with the market has improved supply of product and created efficiencies with Organized Play, which has resulted in sustained year-over-year growth for the WizKids product line.

Esdevium Games Managing Director, Daniel Steel, highlighted the benefit of the agreement to both retailers and consumers. “Not only do we intend to help European distributors provide a better regular supply of product to their markets, we’ll also be in a position to provide improved Organized Play support to retailers so that they can do more with WizKids’ catalog of fantastic brands.”

European retailers and distributors who would like more information can contact Esdevium Games via email: or via phone at  +44 1420 593500.

About WizKids NECA
WizKids/NECA, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NECA, is a New Jersey-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating games driven by imagination. WizKids first pioneered the Combat Dial system featured in HeroClix, the most successful collectible miniatures game on the market today, with over 400 million miniature game figures sold worldwide. WizKids continues to produce new proprietary game platforms and properties including the award-winning board game Mage Knight, the groundbreaking Dice Building Game engine used in the critically-acclaimed game Quarriors!, as well as the innovative Connect with Pieces puzzle-building game platform. For additional information, visit

About Esdevium Games
Esdevium Games is a UK-based distributor of collectibles and gaming product to the UK and Europe. With over 30 years’ experience in the hobby business, Esdevium is the trusted partner for a number of UK, European and US publishers for the distribution of English language gaming product. For more information, visit

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