Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AEG Press Release - Aftermath Release Event Information

From the AEG Website


As the preview cycle for Aftermath, the upcoming expansion for L5R CCG draws to an end, stronghold stores around the world are preparing to host our Release Event, from Nov 16th through Dec 1st.

Like previous release events, it will use the draft tournament format and has the following storyline effect attached to it.

The Hunt for the Prophet

In the wake of P’an Ku’s banishment from the mortal realm and the routing of the Fudo cult, it seems that the Great Clans may at last bring a modicum of peace to the Colonies. After generations of ceaseless, devastating war, the Colonies will return to the nigh-endless producer of resources, a replenishment that the Empire desperately needs.

Despite their efforts, however, the conflicts have not resolved themselves as neatly as many would wish. The head of the Fudo cult, a monk of great wisdom, power, and danger, is still on the loose in the Colonies, and the Great Clans are desperate to end the threat he represents.

The clan that claims the most victories in this event will be the clan whose representative of the Brotherhood of Shinsei finally locates and confronts the head of the Fudo cult and brings him to justice, although the nature of justice may vary depending upon the clan that claims victory.

Results from your local Release event need to be sent back to AEG before Dec 6th to be taken into account and reporting should be done using the appropriate Online form (preferred method) or emailing us at events@alderac.com putting the name of the Event  and the Store name in the subject line.
Which Clan will be victorious?

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