Friday, November 22, 2013

The Game Crafter Press Release - Hexacago Contest - Your idea could be worth $1000!

From the Game Crafter Website

Hexacago is a suite of board games that explore economic, environmental, and epidemiological issues rooted in the city of Chicago, using a grid of hexagons to represent different regions and train lines.
The games will be developed by Ci3’s Game Changer Chicago Design Lab at The University of Chicago, but they need YOUR ideas to make it a reality! They want you to submit your best “game plan” and 2 winners will be selected and each receive $1,000.

Click here to learn more about Hexacago

Note: The Game Crafter is not associated with this contest but we thought it was something our community would be interested in. You all have so many great ideas and we figured you could use the money to fund a small print run of your game or add thousands of new game pieces to your prototype kit! :)

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