Friday, August 1, 2014

Scorecard Review – July 2014

July was another light month for me.  I missed two events because I was at Anime Expo early in the month.  I have still not been playing as many games as I had been.


In July I was able to play 17 games at 6 events for an average of 2.83 games per event.  I missed my goal of three games per event for the first time since March.

I won 5 games in July which was which was one less game than I won in June.  I came in second 4 times, third 4 times, fourth 3 times and sixth 1 time.  My average standing from July was 2.53 compared to the 2.11 I had in June.

I played 3 games more than once in July:  Empire Builder, Eurorails, and No Thanks.

I played 1 game for the first time in July:  Strozzi

My stats for July were:

Year to Date

I have played 148 games at 52 events for an average of 2.85 games per event.  The average number of games I have played per event remains the same as June

I have won 45 games year to date.  My current standing for the year is 2.30 which worsened 0.02 from the end of June.

My stats for the five games I have played the most this year to date are:


Since I started tracking my game plays in April 2013, I have played 296 games at 121 events for an average of 2.45 games per event.

I have won 76 games and have a lifetime standing of 2.39.

The five games I have played the most are:

I played Trans Europa for the tenth time in 2014 in July as I had expected.  This makes two games that I have played 10 time or more in 2014.  I expect that Empire Builder will join them in August.

There was no news on the event front in July but I expect that there will be in August.

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