From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

We just finished our World of Darkness panel at Gen Con. We just covered the following:
January 2015
PTC – The Firestorm Chronicle Fiction Anthology:
Stories written to foreshadow the new Promethean Chronicle and provide a
richer look at the horrors afflicting these tormented constructs as
they seek humanity.
150 pages. 6″ x 9″ PDF/PoD/ePub.
February 2015
VTR – Half-Damned: There are creatures tainted by Kindred blood, yet not quite among the Damned. Building on
Blood and Smoke,
Half-Damned covers ghouls, revenants, and dhampir as playable characters.
200 pages. PDF/PoD.
March 2015
MTAw – Shards of Power: This book covers the
physical, tangible expressions of magic: Sacraments, Magical Tools,
Grimoires, and more, as well as the creations of archmages.
120 pages. PDF/PoD.
April 2015
PTC – The Firestorm Chronicle: A new era for
Promethean, featuring all-new setting, rules, and powers. Firestorm
makes the game more accessible than ever before, with extensive tools
and guidelines for designing each character’s Pilgrimage.
264 pages. PDF/PoD.
June 2015
WOD – Hurt Locker:
Hurt Locker extends the content in the
Armory series, updating it to the updated nWoD rules featured in
The God-Machine Chronicle, as well as adding all sorts of new options.
160 pages. PDF/PoD.
July 2015
CTL – The Huntsmen Chronicle Fiction Anthology:
Stories written to tease the new Changeling Chronicle and provide a
richer look at the perils of the Hedge and the terror of returning to a
home you no longer know.
200 pages. 6″ x 9″. PDF/PoD/ePub.
August 2013
Beast: The Primordial: Within every one of us lies
the potential of the Beast. Unleash savage powers, answer the call to
your Lair, and become the thing that Heroes fear.
320 pages. PDF/PoD/Possible Prestige Edition.
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