Sunday, August 3, 2014

AEG Press Release - Winter Court IV Player Applications Open

From the AEG Website

Samurai of Rokugan, the time has come!

We are now accepting player applications for the Winter Court 4 play-by-post role playing event, which will begin on or about December 1, 2014.

You’ll find the application attached here, as a PDF file.

We recommend copying the various questions into a Microsoft Word document, answering them, then saving it and emailing it back to us in accordance with the instructions provided in the application (which are largely duplicated here, just to emphasize them!) In any case, we will accept .docx, .doc or .rtf files; you can also save your application as a .pdf file. Please don’t use any other formats, as we’ll either struggle to read them or won’t be able to read them at all. Remember, you WANT us to have an easy time reading and understanding your application!

As for the application itself, please answer all questions. Applications with missing answers may be disqualified. If a particular question does not pertain to you, please answer with, “N/A”. Also, please note that while good spelling and grammar is important, we’re quite aware that not all fans of the game are native English speakers. Please do your best, and we’ll do our best to concentrate on the substance of your answers. That said, Winter Court is obviously an event that depends on writing in a reasonably clear manner, so we MUST be able to understand your answers. Please take time to proof-read and make corrections, and make sure you send us your best work!

Completed applications must be sent to by midnight, Pacific Daylight Time (GMT minus 7 hours), on Sunday, August 31 to be considered. Player Applications received after that time will be deleted unread. Also, please ensure that the subject line of your application is EXACTLY as follows:

[Winter Court 4 Player Application] <Your Name>

For example, if your name is John Doe, then the subject line of your application would be:

[Winter Court 4 Player Application] John Doe

This is important, so that our automated email sorting sends your application to the right place. Failure to write the subject line of your email EXACTLY as above may result in your application being misdirected and going unread and, therefore, not being considered!

Thanks for your interest in participating in Winter Court 4. We look forward to reading your application!

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