Monday, August 11, 2014

AEG Press Release - New L5R Team Members Announced

From the AEG Website

With Gen Con upon us, Alderac is pleased to announce the arrival of two new members of the L5R team. Joshua Githens has come on board to serve as Sales and Marketing Lead, while Rob Vaux will serve as L5R’s new Brand Lead.

Joshua hails from South Carolina, where he has tirelessly promoted games of all variety at Boardwalk Games in Greenville. Before joining Alderac, he spent 7 years performing marketing and promotion duties for Hasbro. He’s also worked as a human resources expert for Toys R’ Us and for Walt Disney World’s entertainment division. He’s a lifelong fan of Legend of the Five Rings, and is looking forward to working closely with the existing team.

Rob is returning to Alderac after an extended absence. He was part of the original development team for L5R all the way back in 1995, and has remained a devoted player ever since. He also oversaw the 7th Sea product line for many years, as well as the Stargate and Farscape RPG lines. In the intervening years he has worked as an online film critic, and his reviews continue to appear in Rotten Tomatoes and elsewhere. He’s thrilled to be back home at Alderac and ready to help move Legend of the Five Rings into its second twenty years.

Both Rob and Joshua will be at this year’s Gen Con, along with the rest of the L5R team. Stop by the booth or the AEG Events HQ and say hello!

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