Friday, August 15, 2014

Steve Jackson Games Press Release - Munchkin Gets Gloomy: Announcing Munchkin Gloom

From the Steve Jackson Games Website

Next year, the over-the-top zaniness of Steve Jackson Games' Munchkin combines with the gallows humor of Atlas Games' Gloom to create Munchkin Gloom, a new experience for the brooding tragic figure lurking within your inner powergamer.

"The best part of Gloom is telling the saddest story, explaining how your family has it worse than anyone else," said Gloom designer Keith Baker. "Whose lives could be more miserable than the monsters of Munchkin, who spend their days waiting for some obnoxiously overpowered adventurer to kick down their door and take their stuff?"

"Gloom is all about killing your own characters in the most creative, depressing ways possible," said Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Czar. "No game has as many creative ways to kill things as Munchkin does! We can't wait to see what gamers think of this combination."

Munchkin Gloom is due for release in 2015.

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