know I just said it was getting warmer yesterday, but there's an
abundance of cloud cover today that has made it much cooler than the
previous days. In fact, with the new fans it's almost too cool for
comfort. Maybe it's all so that Marika will shine more :3
Weiß Schwarz
"....the first of the memories that you will not be able to forget......♥"Mischievous Kiss, Marika 万里花 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
"That's why I'm saying I feel bad, but being with you is......"Fantastic Darling!? Raku 楽 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
Mako: "Me, my family, we all love you, Ryuko!"Ryuko: "Sure, I know that."
"Best Friends" Ryuko & Mako from 「KILL la KILL」
Chaos TCG
"As expected, this is is embarassing..."Rabbit Pajamas [Rize] リゼ from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」
Chaos TCG
"And I rarely get to eat things like crepes..."Crepe クレープ from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」
Chaos TCG
"How cuute!"Chino's Bento チノのお弁当 from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」
Chaos TCG
"Oh......you pervert"Maid with a Rich Imagination [Tsukiyama Sena] 月山 瀬奈 from 「 のーぶる☆わーくす」
Chaos TCG
"...Ta-Takumi......don't look"Soaked by the Rain [Kanemoto Akari] 兼元 灯里 from 「 のーぶる☆わーくす」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Don't hold back, I'm going to make you soaking wet"Evening Rain Liberator, Traherne
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"We liberators......ought to wash away impurities, and nurture life with the rain"Passing Shower Liberator, Coil
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Yes, jellyfishes! I love them because they're so cool!"Duo Stage Storm, Iori
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Octopuses are so cute! Octopus, octopus, octopus, yay!"Duo Stage Storm, Iori
King of Pro Wrestling
Suzuki-gun Boss, Minoru Suzuki 鈴木 みのる
Future Card Buddyfight
"My actions, cannot be governed by others"Destruction Dragon Emperor, Gatastol 破壊竜王 ガタストル
Future Card Buddyfight
"A world where the fortress moves,logical warfare will not work"
Iron Fortress Dragon アイアンフォートレス・ドラゴン
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