Thursday, August 7, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - One Week Until Gen Con!

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website


Here’s a recap of the salient bits:
GenCon 2014 Map
As last year, we’re situated on the endcap just to the right of the central Exhibit Hall doors, at booth #1103. Rather than sharing with DriveThruRPG, we’re on our own for the first time.

GenCon 2014 booth
Okay, technically the #1103 booth space is divided up between us, but there’s a clear division of space rather than the intermingled space from the last two years. We have the 20′x10′ endcap, while DriveThruRPG’s 10′x10′ space is just around the corner from us.

On Monday, Eddy posted the link to all the Onyx Path/White Wolf events. While we typically don’t check tickets at our seminars, you’ll want to visit the Gen Con site to make sure there’s still room in any of the games and demos being run.

In addition to those listed events, art director Mike Chaney bade me post this for everyone:
Mirthful Mike will be doing portfolio reviews at Gen Con again this year.
Thursday-Saturday 1-2 pm at the Onyx Path Publishing booth (#1103). If you have ever been interested in doing artwork for the World of Darkness (both CWoD and NWoD), Scion, Exalted, or the Trinity Continuum, bring your portfolio by.
Even if you can’t make it by during those hours, just come on by anyway as there’s a pretty good chance Mike will be at the booth and is always happy to check out portfolios.
Also Thursday-Saturday, but at 2-3pm, are book signings. We’ll have space set up for books to be signed from whichever developers and freelancers we can wrangle together.

Edited to add: Almost forgot! Rich is once again one of the Guests of Honor, so he has a few relevant panels to attend, as so:
  • Thursday 12-1pm: Art Matters (ICC 210)
  • Thursday 3-4pm: Return to the Castle of Gender Representation (ICC 211)
  • Friday 2-3pm: How to Run a Successful Tabletop RPG Kickstarter (ICC 210)
While I’m a native of Soviet Canuckistan, this year I have an unlimited US data plan, so you should see more (and more frequent) updates from the show floor. Keep an eye on our various social media (linked in the sidebar to the right) for updates during the week, on our Twitter in particular.

If you make an appearance at the booth, we’d love to see you wearing one of our shirts! We don’t often get to see them in the flesh, as it were.

Hope to see you all there!

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