we finally have weather that actually starts to feel like summer:
bright and sunny and warm. Today's cards are also (mostly) bright and
sunny and warm. Makes for very sleepy afternoons where it's hard to get
anything done.
Weiß Schwarz
"Things like love aren't really my thing......I just don't understand it......"
Bad at Love, Chitoge 千棘 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
"Then please die"Excellent Hitman, Seishiro 誠士郎 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
"......this is why things like breasts are not needed"Swimsuit Seishiro 誠士郎 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
P3 Protagonist: "It's all right. Leave the rest to me"Shadow of the Labyrinth シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス from 「ペルソナQ シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス」
Weiß Schwarz
"'re beautiful"Wedding Delusion, Riki 理樹 from 「リトルバスターズ!カードミッション」
Weiß Schwarz
"Tadaa-♪"World She Happened Upon, Sakura さくら from 「D.C.~ダ・カーポ~サクラサクパック」
Weiß Schwarz
"Anyway, I only put girls in my debt."Mysterious Guy, Mikisugi from 「KILL la KILL」
Chaos TCG
"If it's the theft of underwear then it's probably a guy, right?"In Her Gym Clothes [Sanjo Makoto] 三条 真琴 from 「 のーぶる☆わーくす」
Chaos TCG
"Ahh-!!"Found... 見つかった... from 「 のーぶる☆わーくす」
Chaos TCG
"I will definitely achieve the longstanding desire of Sun Wu and show you""Wu" Majesty of a Ruler [Sheren] 雪蓮 from 「 真・恋姫†無双」
Chaos TCG
"I want to constantly be at your side for all time""Wu" Devoted to the Sword [Renfa] 蓮華 from 「 真・恋姫†無双」
Chaos TCG
"Hakufu. I will definitely make you the ruler of the world"Cornerstone of "Wu" [Meirin] 冥琳 from 「真・恋姫†無双」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"That is a shadow of a distorted memory. The silent decay"Star-vader of Silence, Dilaton
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"We have arrived. The sought after destinationon the road to become the strongest!"
Dragonic Overlord
King of Pro Wrestling
Bow to the now!!, Davey Boy Smith Jr. デイビーボーイ・スミスJr.
Future Card Buddyfight
"With the tip of the spear, go for the vital points."Demonic Spear, Swirling Darkness 魔槍 闇紡ぎ
Future Card Buddyfight
"With the tip of the spear, go for the vital points."Demonic Spear, Swirling Darkness 魔槍 闇紡ぎ
Other than Comiket, last weekend also had the August Summer Vacation 2014 event at Akihabara, with sales of goods, especially for those related to their very popular Daitoshokan no Hitsugikai, for which Chaos has an Extra Booster releasing near the end of October!
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