Thursday, August 21, 2014

AEG Press Release - 2014 Stronghold Store Events: Level 10/15/20

From the AEG Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

It is time for your local Stronghold Store to hold the yearly event(s) it has earned by you playing there and supporting your favorite local gaming store!

Any Stronghold Store that qualifies for a Level 10/15/20 and has not been yet directly contacted,  please submit a request to schedule an event via the form at the bottom of this page. If you’d still like to submit a form even if you have already been emailed, please do so as it will make the record keeping cleaner.

And without further ado here is what the winner of a the Stronghold Store Events can choose upon their victory…

Level 10 Stronghold Store Event:
The winner of this level event may select ANY Flavor Trait they desire for a future personality of the Clan they played with. This Flavor Trait must be approved by the Story Team and the Design Team. Thus the winner will work with Story/Design to come up with a satisfactory result.

Level 15 Stronghold Store Event:
The winner of this level event may select a name for a future card to be printed in an upcoming set for L5R. The type of card (example: A personality of the Clan the player won with), and the name, must be approved by the Story Team and the Design Team. Thus the winner will work with Story/Design to come up with a satisfactory result.

Level 20 Stronghold Store Event:
The winner of this level event will work directly with the Design Team to create a brand new card for an upcoming set of L5R. This encompasses all the previous event level rewards along with the ability to work on the exact mechanics of the card itself! Everything must be approved by the Story Team and the Design Team. Thus the winner will work with Story/Design to come up with a satisfactory result.

Note: Winning an event at the Stronghold Store Level does not guarantee a individuals name on the card itself, that remains the province of the L5R Team to decide.

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