Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Days of Wonder Press Release - Back Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop Season 3 – Get Ticket to Ride Steam as a bonus!

From the Days of Wonder Website

If you are a board game fan, you’re probably familiar with TableTop, the award-winning internet series on gaming hosted by Wil Wheaton.

Tabletop Season 1 and 2 were phenomenally popular and have introduced hundreds of thousands of new players to the joys of board gaming.

We’re proud that several Days of Wonder games have been featured on Tabletop, including Ticket to RideTicket to Ride EuropeShadows over Camelot and Small World, which appeared in the very first episode.


Our friends at Geek & Sundry who produce Tabletop are in the midst of crowdfunding Season 3. They’ve already surpassed their initial goal and Season 3 is a sure thing. Not content to stop there, they’ve now reached the funding level to do a spin-off show on Role-Playing games!

To help them celebrate we’re offering all of their campaign backers at the $10 and above level a Bonus Perk – a free downloadable copy of Ticket to Ride for Steam that runs on PC, Mac or Linux.

There are all kinds of other bonus rewards available for backers and if you hurry you can still join the Tabletop Season 3 campaign (there are only a few days left). Tabletop surely qualifies as a National Treasure for those who love board games. We invite you to visit to learn more about how you can support Tabletop Season 3 – and get in on that free copy of Ticket to Ride for Steam!

Note: The Ticket to Ride Steam page will teach you everything you need to know about the online version of our favorite train game.

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