Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - AlakaSLAM is now on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

Any sorcerer worth their hat can cast a few spells in the privacy of their home; what sets the pros apart is their skill on the court. You’ll need to put both spin and spell on the ball to get ahead in the greatest tennis match of all … the legendary AlakaSLAM!

In Singles or Doubles, you’ll face your opponent across the net. Choose your shot carefully, because the cards you use to aim also determine if your ball snags in the net, flies out of bounds, or sets your opponent scrambling. Cautiously build up your mobility or strike aggressively with powerful Enchantments. A well-made shot could spell success… but miscalculate and forfeit the point! To win, you’ll need to the first to score 3 points.

AlakaSLAM is a 2 and 4 player micro card game about sorcery tennis, launching now on Kickstarter. Quick to learn and easy to transport, it’s a great opener to any game night.

Contribute on Kickstarter to bring AlakaSLAM to life and be the first to get your hands on a copy. Each game includes a 52 card main deck, 16 court cards, 4 character cards, 4 score cards, a ball token and rulebook. To put your mark in the game, help us reach stretch goals and vote for your favorite character abilities to be added, or pledge at our Prophetic Point reward tier and in exchange we’ll create one of the characters in your likeness. Thank you all for your support!

Click here to support AlakaSLAM on Kickstarter today!

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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