Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hero Games Press Release - Kickstarter Stretch Goals Announced!

From the Hero Games Website

Now that we've reached $10,000, we'd like to announce some stretch goals. We'll unlock them as we achieve them, and make them available to you the backer!

$17,000 Fantasy Hero Bonus Pack. This will include 12 ready-to-play sample characters, an additional sample adventure, and an expanded setting derived from the adventure in Fantasy Hero Complete. All characters created in the Bonus Pack will be included in the Hero Designer Character Pack, and all backers at the Journeyman ($20) level up will receive it.

$27,000 Fantasy Grimoire. We will print and make available a 240-page book of spells and magic items with an original cover.

$37,000 Fantasy Bestieary. We will print and make available a 240-page book of monsters and enemies with an original cover.

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