Monday, May 12, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Way of the Ninja - Now on Indiegogo!

From the Game Crafter Website

The setting is Feudal Japan in a region where the Shoguns enemies, (thieves, thugs and hired mercenaries), roam the land freely under the leadership of their evil bosses…

You are a novice Ninja, born and raised in a highly skilled Ninja clan. The Shogun has offered your clan a reward to defeat and capture all the evil bosses with any of their hirelings in tow. Your clan has accepted and appointed you as their representative only to find out that the enemies heads must be presented to shogun at the end of the day and other ninja clans have also accepted the same task. And on top of that, the Shogun will give a special favor to the clan who returns with the most of their enemies!

It’s an all out war to capture and hold as many enemies as possible while keeping your coins and your very life intact!

Way of the Ninja is a card and dice game designed to be played by 1-4 players. The objective of the game is to defeat and capture all the bosses and any of their hirelings hidden inside their pile. At the end of the game, the surviving Ninja or team of Ninjas with the most number of victory points wins!

Way of the Ninja is now live on IndieGoGo! By Supporting the campaign, You will get a copy of the game in Prototype, Basic and Complete Sets (based on your selected tier) and the resulting funds will be used to buy hardware and software to develop the game into its digital game format. All backers are welcome to take part become card, rules and mechanics contributor!

Click here to support the campaign today!

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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