Friday, May 16, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - Event: Warlord Games Day USA

From the Warlord Games Website

June 7th is the first Warlord Games Day USA. Organiser John Russell gives us the lowdown on the event:


It all happened so fast, I don’t know where to begin…

I was sitting at my painting table late last summer, happy to be working on another batch of breathtaking Bolt Action miniatures and pondering the best way to celebrate here in Oklahoma City the upcoming 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France.  I don’t know if it was fumes from the super glue or vapours from the many opened paint pots but all of a sudden out of the ether a gigantic eureka lightning bolt struck me full force in the noggin – run another Bolt Action event!

We were barely able to contain all the gaming madness last time (we did a fantastic Bolt Action Release Party in August 2012) so I figured we could step it up a notch.  We would generate four tables to honour and remember three major campaigns occurring during the month of June 1944: D-Day, the Invasion of Saipan and Operation Bagration.  To commemorate D-Day I was thinking about choosing two events set just off the beaches; Carentan and Pegasus Bridge. We would build a fantastic island with a mountain containing all kinds of tunnels to represent the beach assault of Saipan. To represent the massiveness of Operation Bagration we would create a river and trench setting for Bagration. This way we could use the fearsome Bronekater model…

As I started thinking more and more about this idea I started talking more and more to my friends, my local gaming group and those fine folks at Warlord Games HQ to the point where this affair morphed into a full blown gaming event!  Why should we stop at just Bolt Action, why not run a table representing EVERY major rule set Warlord Games has designed!  Madness I know but now those measly four table gaming have exploded into ten!  There will now be a table for Hail Caesar, Black Powder, Pike and Shotte, Judge Dredd, Witchfinder General and a table to run a Bolt Action-like game with just one squad vs another with EVERY soldier getting an action dice!  But this happy happening just got better!  After talking with WG HQ we will be adding an ELEVENTH table to let you get a chance to playtest Rick Priestley’s forthcoming Beyond the Gates of Antares miniature game!

I can hear you screaming HOW can I get a piece of this one-of-a-kind gaming extravaganza?  I am very glad you asked – the event will be held on 7th June 2014 at the Hampton Inn I-40 E, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from 0900 to 1700.  The price for admission until 30 May will be a measly $25 and if you miss these dates it will cost you $30 at the door.

Send your questions and registration requests to

The day will start off with a recorded message from John Stallard, the Head Honcho at Warlord Games and a LIVE Video Chat and Q&A session with a high-ranking person from Warlord Games (rumor has it will be Alessio Cavatore OR Rick Priestley, the details are still being hammered out at the writing of this article).  Next up breakfast will be available for all ticket holders and lunch served around noon.  The first 100 ticket holders get their hands on a fantastic swag bag chocked full of gaming goodness.  So far the bag will contain a never released Warlord Games figure, a commemorative dog tag as well as a specially made ruler from Litko Gaming Aids!

There will be a chance for you to purchase many of the great items currently being sold by Warlord Games and Ken Litko from Litko Gaming aids will be on hand with his merchandise as well!  There will also be a painting competition for this event.  There will be FOUR categories with an additional over all best in show.
The categories are: Best Squad/Group, Best Individual Figure, Best Transportation.  TRANPORTATION? Well I can’t say AFV because they didn’t exist in the Black Powder, Pike and Shotte and Hail Caesar time frame, but chariots, horses and carts did, so the Category is Transportation.  The fourth and final category will be for painters under the age of 16. Each category will have a CASH PRIZE of $25 dollars and the best in show will be $50!!  So if you are lucky enough to have been blessed with painter genes you could PAY for the event with your mad brush strokes!

We are hoping for one or two special visitors from the Warlord Games Headquarters in the UK to be the guests of honor for this event.

A special Warlord Games hotel room discount will be available for overnight guests.  For those of you with families, get ahold of this!  Your family will have access to the hotel pool for the entire time of this event!  What better way to spend the day out of the hot summer sun than gaming and swimming indoors!  Reserve your room here.

But wait – there is still MORE!  We have arraigned a special behind the scenes after normal operating hour’s tour of the 45th Infantry Museum the Friday night before!  From 1700 to 1900 we will have our own tour guide to show us around the historic rooms of the 45th and answer all of your questions.  Additionally the gift shop will be open for you to purchase items to remind you of the great time you had there.  You can get more info about this amazing place at  So basically everything will be provided but YOU!  So come celebrate the first Mini Warlord Games Open Games Day in the United States with us!  Contact us at to register for this event or to ask any questions you might have.

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