weekend is so close! But what else is on tomorrow? Of course, it is the
release of 「英雄 戦姫 GOLD」!! Are you ready to pack more cute historical
girls into your deck?
Weiß Schwarz
"If older brother creates a guild, I'd like to join it!"Touya トウヤ from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
"Bam!"Runaway Delusions, Umi 園田海未 from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Chaos TCG
"So warm, this feeling of love is unstoppable"Outlaw Star [Billy The Kid] ビリー・ザ・キッド from 「英雄*戦姫 GOLD」
Chaos TCG
"Yeehaw! Firing at will!!"Billy's Dual Pistols ビリーの二丁拳銃 from 「英雄*戦姫 GOLD」
Victory Spark
"Wow, that was so interesting!"Having a goodnight Yami 金色のヤミ from 「To LOVEる-とらぶる- ダークネス」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Eternal growth type tamagushi...... the prayers will come through, definitely"Regalia of Prayer, Pray Angel 祈りの神器 プレイ・エンジェル
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"That is the unmovable center, the Polaris of the arena."Polar Stern
Monster Collection
Dragon Summoning Knight Linesbell 竜鳴の騎士ラインスベル from ブースターパック「悠久のハルシオン」
Monster Collection
ЯNR Prince Devitt プリンス・デヴィット
Five qross
Tight Hug, and Closing In on "love"! Honoka Kosaka 高坂穂乃果 from 「ラブライブ!」
Future Card Buddyfight!!
"Does not look like half to me."Ninja Arts, Half-kill 忍法 半殺し(にんぽう はんころし)
Future Card Buddyfight!!
"Does not look like half to me."Ninja Arts, Half-kill 忍法 半殺し(にんぽう はんころし)
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