Monday, May 19, 2014

AEG Press Release - To Do What We Must: Playing for Keeps

From the AEG Website

Two weeks ago, we announced “To Do What We Must,” the interactive L5R novel being penned by Robert “Spooky” Denton. Due out in 2016, this book will give L5R players new and interesting ways to interact with the storyline of the game. It is our goal to make this interaction both meaniful and exciting. We’ve already started utilizing feedback from social media outlets to make decisions. Now, we’re moving on to our next step in determining the fates of Rokugan.

Starting today, Spooky and Seth Anthony, the L5R Community Organizer, and members of the Design Team, will begin reviewing the winning decklists (top 2) from each Kotei held thus far this year. What are they looking for, you ask? Many players have longed for the days when what you played impacted the story and that interaction is now returning. They will be looking for patterns and themes that are prevalent among the decks used. Reoccuring trends such as Shadowlands taint, “fallen” personalities, honorable victories, Imperial intervention, employing Ronin, and the use of military might will be woven into the framework of the novel.

Going forward, the team will continue reviewing the top two decklists from the remaining Koteis to extrapolate even more information, especially now that fans are clued into the deck review process. This is your chance, as fans and players, to take your winning deck and have direct impact on the story simply by playing the game that you enjoy. The deck construction decisions you make will have long term implications for the fate of the Empire, so plan carefully to ensure that your victory will bring glory (or maybe disgrace) to the faction you play.

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