Friday, May 16, 2014

Days of Wonder Press Release - D-Day Landings – Contents Roll Call!

From the Days of Wonder Website

We just added two documents for you to download on the D-Day Landings page of Memoir ‘44 website:
  • The expansion rules booklet
  • An extremely handy document which lists the material you will need to gather to play the various game modes offered in the expansion.
Many thanks go to Jesse “Rasmussen81” Rasmussen for creating the latter !

Download the rules

We took advantage of this to clean up the HQ a little bit…

We have to admit that some parts of the website were a little messy to say the least (the rules and goodies page comes to mind) and Sargeant Frank couldn’t stand it like this anymore.

The whole place should now be more welcoming for new recruits and we’re confident vets will find their marks quickly. Apart from always possible errors (broken link, anyone?), nothing disappeared from the website. Nothing was added either but our guess is that some of you might find places you were not aware of…

Download the rules

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