finally caught up! The Golden Week was a wonderful break for everyone!
Unfortunately, it is a holiday only celebrated here in Japan.
However, there is one common celebration going on this weekend! Remember to wish your Mother a happy Mother's Day!
However, there is one common celebration going on this weekend! Remember to wish your Mother a happy Mother's Day!
Weiß Schwarz
"Don't you lay a finger on Ryuko. I will never forive you"Ryuko's Most Presentable Clothing, Senketsu 鮮血 from 「キルラキル」
Weiß Schwarz
Ragyo: "And I entrust Ryuko's pure heart..."Purity 純潔 from 「キルラキル」
Weiß Schwarz
"The proof of friendship""Undying Friendship", Kengo 宮沢謙吾 from 「リトルバスターズ~Refrain~」
Weiß Schwarz
"This...... of course I don't want this!Why do I have no choice but to leave!"
"The End and the Beginning", Kyousuke 棗恭介 from 「リトルバスターズ~Refrain~」
Weiß Schwarz
"Umi... Please!""Not Fair", Kotori 南ことり from 「Love Live!」
Chaos TCG
"Ahh~, what a good bath~"Fully enjoying the hotspring [Torii Moa] 鳥井萌亜 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」
Chaos TCG
"What not be honest? Rumors will spread you know "Wicked Tongue [Torii Moa] 鳥井萌亜 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」
Chaos TCG
"The Goddess of Victory likes to deceive"Egg Barrette [Columbus] コロンブス 「英雄*戦姫 GOLD」
Chaos TCG
"My name is Perry. I'm the ambassador of USA. Nice to meet you "Sasuke Flower Strike [Perry] ペリー 「英雄*戦姫 GOLD」
Victory Spark
"My name is Tearju Lunatique"Tearju Lunatique ティアーユ・ルナティーク from 「To LOVEる-とらぶる- ダークネス」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Red or white, choose a sword you'd like to pierce through you"Peony Musketeer, Thule 牡丹の銃士 トゥーレ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The last scenery you get to see, be buried under a sea of flowers!"Peony Musketeer, Martina 牡丹の銃士 マルティナ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"With these results, they began to refer to him as "Immortal"."Immortal, Asura Kaiser
King of Pro-wrestling
Musasabi Body Press ムササビボディプレス
Future Card Buddyfight
”There are no "frontlines" for an Armordragon.Dragospeed ドラゴスピード
Future Card Buddyfight
”There are no "frontlines" for an Armordragon.Dragospeed ドラゴスピード
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