Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Z-Man Games Press Release - Neuroshima Hex 3.0 – Ignacy Trzewiczek at GenCon 2013!

From the Z-Man Game Website

Neuroshima Hex 3.0 – Ignacy Trzewiczek at GenCon 2013!

GenCon is fast approaching and we are proud to announce that we will have a very special guest at our booth this year: the creator of Robinson Crusoe and part of the team behind Neuroshima Hex 3.0: Ignacy Trzewiczek. This is his first trip to a convention in the US and we are very proud to allow him to have his first experience with the American public and for him to be able to answer your questions and sign your games at our booth.

Ignacy will be at our booth for what we like to call the Ignacy Challenge. You will have the chance to go one-on-one against Ignacy on a new oversized version of Neuroshima Hex 3.0! Imagine the look of a Neuroshima Hex board as big as two 6-foot tables!

So do you think you have the guts to play against Ignacy on our oversized board? Come and test your skills at GenCon!

More info still to come!

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