Friday, July 12, 2013

Mayfair Games Press Release - Boy Scouts of America at Gen Con 2013

From the Mayfair Game Website

Boy Scouts of America at Gen Con 2013

Mayfair is proud to welcome the Boy Scouts of America to our Gen Con 2013 lineup! First, Mayfair is a leading participant in the Game Design Merit Badge workshop, taking place on the first day of Gen Con! This new merit badge, designed by industry professionals (including several Mayfair Games staffers) will teach scouts the principals of game design, how to create a game from the ground up and how to construct a prototype. At the workshop, players will receive materials for constructing their prototypes and get a chance to meet game industry luminaries from Mayfair Games and other companies.
As if that wasn’t enough, 100 industrious scouts will participate in The Big Game™. The Big Game™ is Mayfair’s world record-setting attempt to have 1000 people play The Settlers of Catan® at the same time! As you can imagine, setting up the boards and pieces for the game is a major undertaking and 100 scouts have agreed to help us prepare for The Big Game™ and in return, they will get to take part and help make history!
Mayfair Games, Gen Con and the Boy Scouts of America. Three great things that are going to be even greater together.

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