Friday, July 26, 2013

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, July 25, 2013

Thursday Night Gaming did have a boost in attendance this week with the return of the Comic Con crowd.  There were 20 – 25 people there with 5 – 6 games begin played at any given time.

I only played one game again this week.  This was mostly because I was not excited by the selection of games present and the lack of enthusiasm of the people who brought the games to try to get the games that they brought out on the table. 

At these open gaming events one of the ways that I gauge whether a game may be worthwhile to try is how much effort the owner puts into trying to get a game that they brought out on a table to be player.  If there is little or no effort odds are the game may not be worth the time.  If there is a lot of effort then I figure that the game should not suck too badly.  I have been wrong about this before, but not too often so I figure it is a good rule of thumb to use.

The one game that I did play was Moongha Invaders:  Mad Scientist and Atomic Monsters Attack Earth!  The theme being that the players are the forces of doom trying to destroy the major cities of the earth.  The players are also are assigned two cities that they are to protect from harm while they ravage the other cities.  To add to the confusion there are human heroes and military units thrown into the mix as well to defend help defend the cities. (Curses!  Foiled again by the Japanese Self Defense Force.  Never fear Gojira shall rise again.  Oh yes he will rise again.  Mwahahaha….)

Like with most games that I play for the first time where I do not have any idea of what the most effective way to get points is, I start to do this to see what turns out to be the most effective thing.

I start the game by spawning may most powerful monster, the Technoor, in New York City.  Then I notice that one of the other players is trying to set himself up with a Bloob and a Kiddoo in Tokyo and another player has spawned a Moogre there as well.  Both players were hiding from each other.  So I did was any rational person would do, I decided to try out the power of the hero, which is to reveal hidden monsters.  It worked out well and the other two players went after each other.  The Kiddoo and Bloob were destroyed and removed permanently from the game, which is the power of the Moogre.  I spent most of the rest of the game maneuvering around to get the player that I felt would win, but did not land a substantial blow and did damage to the cities of Berlin and Monscow with my own Moogre.

Now how did the cities that I was assigned to protect fair?  Not so good.   I was assigned London and Los Angeles.  Los Angeles was completely destroyed and London took the second most damage in the game.  Despite the setback in victory points earned from protecting cities, I did manage to come in second through the damaged I caused and the placement of Drakoor in other cities.

So I had one second place for this event, which still makes July my best Month so far.  Next stop Strategic & Adventure Game Association at its temporary location, Comic Quest on Saturday.

No. of Plays
Moongha Invaders


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