Friday, July 12, 2013

Catalyst Game Labs Press Release - Shadowrun Fifth Edition PDF & Print Preorders On Sale!.

From the Catalyst Game Labs Website

Shadowrun Fifth Edition PDF & Print Preorders On Sale!

Retailers have been able to preorder Shadowrun, Fifth Edition for some time now for a street date of the physical books in August. (Retailers, don’t forget our Case Pack Deal of ordering 6 copies of any hard cover edition and receive a free in-store soft cover book!)
Now, Catalyst Game Labs is pleased to make the PDF and print pre-orders available on our webstore!
“The release of Shadowrun, Fifth Edition kicks off The Year of Shadowrun, to be followed right around the corner by the release of Harebrained Schemes’ Shadowrun Returns on July 25th”, said Randall N. Bills, Managing Developer for Catalyst Game Labs. “While there’s a slew of additional games coming—such as the adventure deck building game, Shadowrun: Crossfire, and Cliffhanger Productions’ Shadowrun Online, in the fall/winter, it all starts now with the best edition yet of the seminal RPG!”
If you’ve not a had chance yet to check out Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and are wondering what all the excitment is about, grab the monster preview PDF as well as the quick-start rules…both PDFs are free!
Shadowrun, Fifth Edition is available in three formats (standard, limited edition and deluxe “Mayan” limited edition; see below the bundle details for specifics on the two limited editions). To cover the gamut of players, a combination of bundles for the various print books and PDF are available.
Directly below is a graphic detailing all of the bundles, with the actual links for said bundles below the graphic.
A. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 PDF: $20
B. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Standard Print: $60
C. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Standard Print (+ PDF): $70 [Save $10!]
D. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Limited Edition (+ PDF): $100 [Save $20!]
E. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition* (+ PDF): $200 [Save $20!]
F. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Standard Print & Limited Edition (+ PDF): $150 [Save $30!]
G. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Standard Print & Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition* (+ PDF): $240 [Save $40!]
H. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Limited Edition & Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition* (+ PDF): $270 [Save $50!]
I. Bundle: Shadowrun 5 Standard Print & Limited Edition & Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition* (+PDF): $320 [Save $60!]
Prices do not include S&H costs. While supplies last!
*Due to low quantities, the deluxe “Mayan” limited edition will only be available via online and convention sales.
ALL INTERIORS IDENTICAL (This means the unique item code for Shadowrun Online is found in all three version of the print book, but not the PDF.)
Don’t forget to check out the Storm Front plot book that bridges the storylines between Shadowrun, Fourth Edition and Fifth Edition, as well as Sprawl Wilds, a collection of convention Mission adventures stated for both Fourth and Fifth Edition to ease the transition!
Check out and to learn more about all that’s happening in the Year of Shadowrun (you can also download the free Year of Shadowrun PDF that details the avalanche of exciting games coming for Shadowrun)!
Any news sites interested in reviewing the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition PDF, please contact
Catalyst Game Labs

Catalyst Game Labs is dedicated to producing high-quality games and fiction that mesh sophisticated game mechanics with dynamic universes, all presented in a form that allows beginning players and long-time veterans to easily jump into our games, while helping fiction readers enjoy our stories even if they don’t know the games.
Catalyst Game Labs is an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC, which specializes in electronic publishing of professional fiction. This allows Catalyst to participate in a synergy that melds printed gaming material and fiction with all the benefits of electronic interfaces and online communities, creating a whole-package experience for any type of player or reader. Find Catalyst Game Labs online at

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