Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Z-Man Games Press Release - Neuroshima Hex 3.0 Announcement + GenCon Tournament!

From the Z-Man Games Website

Neuroshima Hex 3.0 Announcement + GenCon Tournament!

It’s official! Neuroshima Hex 3.0 is on its way! And it will premiere at GenCon with a huge tournament that you CANNOT MISS!
What about GenCon?

Ok, so the game is premiering at GenCon this year. With this premiere, there will be a HUGE Neuroshima Hex 3.0 tournament! Now why is this tournament so huge? Well, I think the prize will speak for itself:

The winner of the Neuroshima Hex 3.0 tournament at GenCon will win Z-Man games for 1 year! YES 1 YEAR!  That means the winner will get each and every Z-Man title released from SEPTEMBER 2013, all the way to the games released IN GenCon 2014! Talk about an awesome prize!
Details about the tournament are still to come. Just know that it will be AWESOME!

What’s new in Neuroshima Hex 3.0?
There are many things new in this edition of Neuroshima Hex, making it almost an entirely different game!
#1 - You can take a look at some of the new artwork:

#2 - There were many updates and corrections made to the rules to make them easier to understand. The questions that had arisen in the previous editions are now answered in this new rulebook. More examples, more detailed explanations and easy to look through if you can’t remember something.
#3 - There is a new, FIFTH army included in the box: Doom’s Day Machine.
Here is a look at some of theses Doom’s Day Machines. We will talk more in depth about them in a later article.
#4 – There is a new SOLO variant included in this edition of Neuroshima Hex. It consists of 55 cards with NH Puzzles. More to come about this variant soon! In the meantime, take a peek at some of the cards.
#5 – There is also a new 3 PLAYER variants: Deathmatch; Deathmatch with scores; 1 player vs. a team; team match (with one player playing two armies). More about these variants still to come!

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