is a continuation of last Friday's Daydream, and not just for Chaos,
since WS has a couple of really dreamy cards too. Personally, I'm still
in a dream, but that is because of an event I attended yesterday. What
event was that? Find out at the end of the post~
Weiß Schwarz
" I'm actually in love with him..."Juliet in Love 恋するジュリエット from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
"So, I hear you're the queen bee in this school?"Transfer Student, Ryuko from 「KILL la KILL」
Chaos TCG
"Ho ho..."Daydream [Chiya] 千夜 from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」
Chaos TCG
"I also can't help but be fixated on teacups"Daydream [Syaro] シャロ from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"If you yearn for it then come and try searching for it"Transformation Stealth Rogue, Kuzunoha
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Stealth Rogues command the cosmic forces and five elements"Onmyo Stealth Rogue, Seimei
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Um...... would you like to have a dance with me?"Duo Petit Etoile, Peace
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Un, deux, trois♪ Un, deux, trois♪"Duo Petit Etoile, Peace
King of Pro Wrestling
If the Goddess of Midsummer is Present, Shinsuke Nakamura 中邑真輔
Future Card Buddyfight
"Different logic, different cultures.Overcome that, and new ideas shall spring forth."
Dragogenius ドラゴジーニアス
Future Card Buddyfight
"Different logic, different cultures.Overcome that, and new ideas shall spring forth."
Dragogenius ドラゴジーニアス
Yesterday, the first official fan event for Kancolle was held at the National Convention Hall of Yokohama. The event only started at 1pm, but fans were queuing up for event goods long before that timing. I was early, but not early enough, so quite a few of the event limited goods were sold out before my turn, and so this was all I managed to get. Very happy with it all though.
Since it was the first event, nobody knew what to expect, but when the program includes live voice dramas and performances by various voice actors (in cosplay no less) of the songs in the vocal albums, I think the audience was satisfied. One particular point that struck me was how amazing it is that these voice actors can, at the blink of an eye, change how they speak in such a way that you can tell it's a different character.
As a bonus, the audience was treated to viewing of the first PV for the Kancolle anime, which you may have already heard is scheduled to air in January 2014, and we also received some information about the next Kancolle event, which starts this Friday. For those who weren't able to be there, don't worry, the Kancolle official Twitter account announced that those will be released on the internet tonight! So look forward to it!
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