is upon us again, and that means tomorrow is another day of releases!
Tomorrow will be the on-sale date of English edition Cardfight!!
Vanguard BT14: Brilliant Strike, and Chaos TCG's 「ハロー・レディ!」! Are you
prepared for the counter-attack?
Weiß Schwarz
Hatsune Miku "Moonlight Butterfly" 初音ミク KA I TO from 「初音ミク -Project DIVA- F 2nd」
Weiß Schwarz
Kagamine Len "Ayasaki" 鏡音レン from 「初音ミク -Project DIVA- F 2nd」
Weiß Schwarz
"In any case, if I were to break freebind these, hands"
Knife from 「初音ミク -Project DIVA- F 2nd」
Weiß Schwarz
Irie: "Eh!?"Friendly Combination, Sekine & Irie 関根 & 入江 from 「初音ミク -Project DIVA- F 2nd」
Chaos TCG
"Alright, from now on, I shall begin down this new path. This time, not alone, but as a pair"Towards a place never seen before まだ見たことのない場所へ from 「ハロー・レディ!」
Chaos TCG
"Within this room, is a projection of myself. My smile widens, and it seethes through my teeth"Thrill of darkness 暗い快楽 from 「ハロー・レディ!」
Victory Spark
"Wait, Rin, Yuzu! Go help complete the works right now!"Manager of everyone, Hana ハナ 「熱風海陸ブシロード」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"He knows his shortfalls. That is why he also knows what he can do"Composed Seeker, Lucius 自若の探索者(シーカー) ルキウス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"You have a good soul...... and so I shall set it ablaze."Eradicator, Ignition Dragon
King of Pro Wrestling
STYLES CLASH スタイルズクラッシュ
Future Card Buddyfight
"Anyways, these are ill-gotton gains. I'll just give all of them out like this"Chivalrous Thief, Nezumijiro 義賊忍者 鼠次郎(ぎぞくにんじゃ ねずみじろう)
Future Card Buddyfight
Dragonic Punisher ドラゴニック・パニッシャー
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