Monday, July 21, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - The Game Crafter Community Has Created Over 50,000 Games!

From the Game Crafter Website

We’re pleased to announce that The Game Crafter community has created over 50,000 different game projects on its servers! This is an amazing accomplishment because the community is only 5 years old! In that brief time frame, we’ve watched dozens of games receive publishing deals and designers successfully raise over a million dollars on Kickstarter. It’s been a fun ride so far!

When launched in July 2009, it was tough to predict what the demand would be for such a service/community. But, there are now over 53,000 users around the world that use The Game Crafter to turn their ideas into games.

The Game Crafter is many things. It’s an incubator for new game ideas, a printing/fulfillment partner, a supportive and experienced community of game designers, a collection of helpful game design resources, and an international marketplace of indie board games.

We’d like to thank YOU, our awesome community, for supporting us over the years and helping us create something really special here. Can you imagine where we will be in another 5 years?  :)

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