Tuesday, July 29, 2014

AEG Press Release - Siege: Heart of Darkness Gen Con Event Updates

From the AEG Website

“The Dark Naga rises and our forces are overwhelmed! We need all Rokugani samurai to face this unholy foe and turn him back at all costs. Whatever your Clan allegiance, join the fight and defend the walls of the Second City. Few can face Siege: Heart of Darkness and emerge victorious, but those who do will become the stuff of legend (and receive a stellar t-shirt). Stand the line and fight the rising darkness, for it is only in those bleak hours that heroes are truly born!”

The Dark Naga Challenge is here, and we’re thrilled to see all of the L5R players interested in defending the honor of the Empire from this looming threat. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, some shuffling of events needs to take place. The following L5R events created for Gen Con (TCG1457837, TCG1454466, TCG1457836) have been removed from the Gen Con schedule and replaced with new ones.

While we are cancelling three events, we are also adding 12 Dark Naga Challenge events.   These events will allow more players the opportunity to face the Dark Naga than originally scheduled, as well as maintaining the original cancelled events.

The new Dark Naga Challenge Events are listed below:

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
TCG1467067: 9am
TCG1467149: 11am
TCG1467086: 3pm
TCG1467087: 6pm

Friday Aug 15, 2014
TCG1467070: 9am
TCG1467150: 11am
TCG1467071: 3pm
TCG1467072: 6pm

Saturday Aug 16, 2014
TCG1467151: 1pm
TCG1467073: 4pm

Sunday Aug 17, 2014
TCG1467074: 10am
TCG1467075: 1pm

Persons who had pre-registered for the previously posted events WILL be refunded by GenCon on their previous event tickets regardless of whether they choose to sign up for the new ones or not.

In addition, as you may have seen on our website (http://www.l5r.com/2014/07/18/prepare-siege/), all attendees to this event will receive an exclusive alternate art promotional card.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this shift in the schedule. We’ll see you in Indy at the gaming tables!

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