Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Steve Jackson Games Press Release - Munchkin for Xbox 360 Cancelled

From the Steve Jackson Website

Steve Jackson Games and Tinderbox Entertainment regret to announce the cancellation of the Xbox 360 version of SJ Games' Munchkin card game.

"We came into the Xbox 360 Munchkin project with certain beliefs and expectations about the market," said Munchkin Brand Manager Andrew Hackard. "As we learned more about the digital market, and Xbox in particular, we realized that those expectations were unrealistic for the scope of project we had chosen. Work was far enough along that we would essentially have to start over to incorporate what we learned, and we don't think that's the right answer. We have enjoyed working with and learning from Tinderbox on this project, and wish them nothing but the best."

"It's hard to say goodbye to a project with such potential, not to mention the fine folks at SJ Games," said Tinderbox Creative Director Kyle Rhone. "Munchkin for Xbox 360 has been a learning experience for everyone involved and we look forward to using the experience we've gained on future projects."

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