Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying: License Renewed, Core Rulebook Reprinted

From the Green Ronin Publishing Website

Dragon's Hoard 3D CoverWe've got a spate of good news for fans of A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying today! First and most importantly, we are happy to announce that we have extended our license with George R.R. Martin. That means the SIFRP line will continue and we can get back to work on new supplements for the game. We'd like to thank George for believing in us and the game. It is an honor to work with him and to have the chance to play in his amazing creation.

As many of you have noticed, the game's core rulebook has been out of print for many months. With the new agreement in place, we were able to send it back to print. The second printing of A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying: A Game of Thrones Edition releases on August 4 (along with Gadget Guides for Mutants & Masterminds). We have, of course, taken this opportunity to fix the errata from the first printing so it's as up to date as we could make it.

Our next release for A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying will be Dragon's Hoard, a 160-page adventure that should keep players busy for some time. We reveal the cover by Slawomir Maniak here for the first time. You may remember Slawomir from his terrific Chronicle Starter cover and he's done it again for Dragon's Hoard. The book still needs to go through the approvals process and have all of its interior art done, so we're shooting for a release early in 2015.

Thanks for your ongoing support of A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying. Game on!

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