Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Warlord Games Press Release - Preview: Tank War Supplement for Bolt Action

From the Warlord Games Website

Prepare to amass your armoured forces and smash aside the tanks of the enemy – Tank War is almost upon us!

Tank War is our exciting new supplement for Bolt Action that allows you to fight out clashes between armoured formations – entire armies of tanks and armoured cars as well as mechanized units such as Panzer Grenadiers.



We’ll be bringing you lots more information over the coming weeks in the run-up to the book’s release. If you’re itching to try out armoured combat in Bolt Action you can slake your thirst by using our Armoured Platoon PDF rules, until the Tank War book is released. This free PDF contains the basic principles of selecting a force for Tank War.


And don’t forget that you can buy any 3 Bolt Action vehicles on our website and get 10% OFF the total price! Just the thing to get prepared for facing formations of steel behemoths…

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