Saturday, June 28, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - New Release: W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack

W20 Wyld West
Now available from DriveThruRPG in PDF and print!

Bad Moons and Silver Bullets

It was a time when a silver bullet could buy your life in a way gold couldn’t. A time when the railroads barrelled their way west, and the Umbral skies tore open over them. When Garou warred on Garou, divided by the ever-moving frontier, and ancient horrors broke free. In the World of Darkness, the American West wasn’t just wild — it was savage.

The Wyld West Expansion Pack is a supplement that brings the mechanics and setting of Werewolf: The Wild West into 20th Anniversary compatibility. With it, your group can uncover the lost lore of the Storm Eater and the Savage West in a modern setting, or run a chronicle set in the most dangerous frontier the Garou ever saw.
  • A setting overview of the Savage West and the Storm Umbra.
  • Gifts and rites of the period, updated to 20th anniversary mechanics.
  • A chapter of antagonists, from Banes and mockeries of the time to the secrets of the Enlightened Society of the Weeping Moon.

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