Friday, June 20, 2014

AEG Press Release - Gen Con 2014 L5R Experience – A peek inside!

From the AEG Website

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been telling you about all of the awesome stuff that will occur at the L5R Experience, to be held on on August 16, 2014, at Gen Con 2014. This event will give you access to discuss L5R directly with the product team, play games with the designers and your friends, as well as amazing L5R goodies (and not just the CCG!) 

That SWAG is what we want to share with you today. To date, we’ve shown you the box that it all comes in, but now, we’re letting you peek inside! First up, we have three exclusive games. Yes, you read that right – included in the box is an exclusive version of three popular AEG games. You’ll get a copy of L5R Guildhall, L5R Lost Legacy, and L5R Seventh Hero, special to this release!

But, that’s not all! You’ll also receive some sweet card dividers for the box, as well as several packs for the L5R CCG, including from the soon to be released expansion, A Line in the Sand!

We also might have a few surprises up our sleeves, exclusively for those fans that attend. Every attendee at the L5R experience will get one of these amazing packages, so don’t miss out! If you’re ready to register, go to the Gen Con website and register for your badge and the L5R Experience (Event ID: TCG1454515) all at once!

We look forward to seeing you at Gen Con!

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