Wednesday, June 4, 2014

AEG Press Release - L5R Draft Tournament Kit Release Date

From the AEG Website

We are releasing the first L5R Draft Tournament Kit  June 30, 2014.

This kit will be the opportunity for your store to feature draft in L5R in an all-inclusive package with boosters, alternate art promo cards, and exclusive deck tins for a special event. Click the image below to see full size.
To provide you store with the opportunity to advertise this event through our website, have them contact us at with the following information:

  • Stronghold Store ID
  • Store Name
  • Store Location (City)
  • Date of Draft Event
  • Expected Attendance

Please note that the Event(s) using the L5R Draft Tournament Kit contents cannot be run prior to the release of the product on June 30th.
Get ready to crack some packs and play!

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