Sunday, June 1, 2014

Scorecard Review – May 2014

In May I changed up the regular events that I normally attend.  It has had an effect on the games that I have played.  There are more older games that are toward the lighter side on the list of games that I played.  Let us review what I played and how it fits into what I have been doing up to this point.


In April I was able to play 30 games at 9 events for an average of 3.33 games per event.  I was able to hit my goal of an average of 3 games per event again.

I won 11 games in May which was an increase of 3 wins over April.  This is the most games I have won in a single month since I started recording my results.  I came in second 11 times, third 3 times, fourth 3 times, and fifth 2 times.  My average standing from May was 2.13 compared to the 2.32 I had in April.

I played 6 games more than once in May:  Bazaar, Empire Builder, Ingenious, The Hanging Gardens, Ticket to Ride Europe, and Trans Europa.

I played 1 game for the first time in May:  Concordia.

My stats for May were:

Year to Date

I have played 113 games at 40 events for an average of 2.83 games per event.  This is up 0.15 games per event since the end of April.

I have won 34 games year to date.  My current standing for the year is 2.31 which improved 0.06 from the end of April.

My stats for the five games I have played the most this year to date are:


Since I started tracking my game plays I have played 260 games at 109 events for an average of 2.39 games per event.

I have won 64 games and have a lifetime standing of 2.41.

The five games I have played the most are:

I played Bazaar quite a few times in May.  It has become my most played game for 2014 and the lifetime standings even though it is still one short of hitting the 10 plays for the year.  I will see if I can play that or Trans Europa one more time to in June to make that happen.

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