Friday, June 6, 2014

AEG Press Release - Gen Con 2014 Events Update

From the AEG Website

We have a couple of updates for those who will be attending Gen Con 2014.

First, we want to remind everyone of the L5R Experience event on August 16, 2014. This event will give you access to discuss L5R directly with the product team, play games with the designers and your friends, as well as an amazing swag bag of L5R goodies (and not just the CCG.) We also have a few surprises up our sleeves, exclusively for those fans that attend. If you’re ready to register, go to the Gen Con website and register for your badge and the L5R Experience all at once!

On the RPG front, AEG’s annual GenCon L5R RPG event is returning for the third straight year! Players will participate in a unique adventure which will impact the official L5R storyline, with special Swag for everyone who participates! A team of Emerald Magistrates is assigned to protect witnesses who will testify before the Imperial Court; the outcome will determine whether two clans go to war. This event is a sequel to the AEG Special RPG event at Origins 2014, but playing in the previous adventure will not be required to enjoy this one. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

See you at the table!

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