Thursday, June 12, 2014

AEG Press Release - Gen Con Event Kit Pre-Orders

From the AEG Website

2014 Gen Con Playmat
2014 Gen Con Playmat
Are you coming to Gen Con 2014? GenCon 2014 will be the home of the L5R North American Championships from August 14 to 17, 2014, making this your chance to pick up the Gen Con Exclusive L5R Event Kit (not to be confused with the L5R Experience kit, which is specific to that event.) Each kit contains:

  •  10 boosters of the A Line in the Sand (Ivory Legal) expansion
  •  1 exclusive playmat featuring stunning Conceptopolis art
  •  1 card storage box beautifully illustrated by Conceptopolis

This item is only available for Pre-Order. Do not order if you do not plan to attend GENCON 2014.
Just head over to our online store and order one today. You’ll be able to pick the kit up at the event in the L5R CCG area in the Events Hall.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Note: If you are attending the World Championships in Sheffield (UK), a similar kit will be available for preorder at a later date.

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