ordinary Tuesday, but a card with an exceeding interesting flavor.
German suplexes... I wonder if any of our places can win the affection
of Yui? O.o
Weiß Schwarz
"That is Our Miracle", Hanayo Koizumi 小泉花陽 from 「ラブライブ!」
Weiß Schwarz
"That is Our Miracle", Rin Hoshizora 星空凛 from 「ラブライブ!」
Weiß Schwarz
"But I always admired people who could do a German Suplex...""Little Braver" Yui ユイ from 「Angel Beats! Re:Edit」
Weiß Schwarz
"Did you hear about someone's memories?""Crow Song" Iwasawa 岩沢 from 「Angel Beats! Re:Edit」
Weiß Schwarz
"But I always admired people who could do a German Suplex...""Little Braver" Yui ユイ from 「Angel Beats! Re:Edit」
Weiß Schwarz
"Did you hear about someone's memories?""Crow Song" Iwasawa 岩沢 from 「Angel Beats! Re:Edit」
Chaos TCG
"Nooooooooo-!"Hardworker [Tillday Shape] チルデオィ・シャープ from 「ランス9 ヘルマン革命」
Chaos TCG
"There are uses for books here you know"For the sake of her little sister [Masou Shizuka] & [Miracle Doe] 魔想志津香 & ミラクル・ドー from 「ランス9 ヘルマン革命」
Chaos TCG
"Well, I just followed the recipe"Great Rising Dragon Cake 昇竜山ケーキ from 「ランス9 ヘルマン革命」
Chaos TCG
"Ahaha... I'm sorry"Original 4 Custom Witches [Maria Custard] & [Masou Shizuka] マリア・カスタード & 魔想志津香 from 「ランス9 ヘルマン革命」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"First...... let's light the fire. A hell fire that is scorching blue"Imposing Liberator, Danner 威風の解放者 ダーナー
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"There is no need to be hasty. Destiny will definitely converge"Star-vader, Morion Star Dragon 星輝兵 モリオンスター・ドラゴン
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The voice of an angel, reaches not the ears, but the heart."Existence Angel
King of Pro-wrestling
Golden Hurricane Mascara Dorada マスカラ・ドラダ
Future Card Buddyfight
"Wisdom is required to avoid conflict.However, it does not mean that yo do not fight."
Power Ray Maximum パワーレイ・マキシマム
Future Card Buddyfight
"Wisdom is required to avoid conflict.However, it does not mean that yo do not fight."
Power Ray Maximum パワーレイ・マキシマム
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