All hands on deck! Tomorrow is the day the ships take over! Witness the power of the fleets of cute girls!
「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」, releases tomorrow! Who shall you command?! ٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡
「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」, releases tomorrow! Who shall you command?! ٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡
Weiß Schwarz
Onodera Kosaki 小野寺小咲 from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
Miyamoto Ruri 宮本るり from 「ニセコイ」
Weiß Schwarz
"Kyuru"Familiar, Pina ピナ from 「Sword Art Online」
Chaos TCG
"Even if you are the real deal or someone that looks alike, be prepared to feel the same anguish I felt when I was dumbstruck"Plan of the Ancestors [Dietlinde] ディートリンデ・シヴァイグルト from 「乙女理論とその周辺-École de Paris-」
Chaos TCG
"In that case, I may be more of a country bumpkin. But, speaking in my native tongue makes me happy"Russian tongue twisters [Valeria] ヴァレリア・テレンチェヴナ・ブッテルスカヤ from 「乙女理論とその周辺-École de Paris-」
Chaos TCG
"Isn't it better for you to return to work? I'll look after her"Taking the first step 踏み出した一歩 from 「月に寄りそう乙女の作法」
Chaos TCG
"Take this, the second wave!"Cake attack ケーキ攻撃 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Roars of the dragon pierces the skies, signalling the onslaught on the battlefield"Brawler, Sky Blow Dragon 喧嘩屋(ブロウラー) スカイブロー・ドラゴン
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"This sword, this life, for the sake of that irreplaceable friend"Sacred Beast Seeker, Claude 聖獣の探索者(シーカー) クロード
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"There is no need for thoughts, just act on it."Battle Sister, Tarte
Monster Collection
Blood Strike ブラッド・ストライク from ブースターパック「アゾールの黒い旋風」
King of Pro-wrestling
THE BIRD OF WONDER, Kota Ibushi 飯伏幸太
Future Card Buddyfight
"I can feel the life burning within me!"Tempest, Garo-oh 疾風 餓狼王(しっぶう がろうおう)
Future Card Buddyfight
"I can feel the life burning within me!"Tempest, Garo-oh 疾風 餓狼王(しっぶう がろうおう)
Before we forget, here is the mock-up of the Love Live! club room recreated at Anime Japan 2014...
Just lacks having the girls around... XD
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