Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Traveller Book Writer Call

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

Mongoose Publishing is currently looking for established writers to work on books for our Traveller RPG. Traveller remains one of the most popular science-fiction roleplaying games on the market and its huge scope guarantees projects of interest to the right person.

We are currently looking for writers for these specific projects, though we are always happy to hear other ideas.

2300AD Adventures
Wild West setting book and supplements
Steampunk setting book and supplements
Pirates (how they act, how they gather - part career book, part supplement)
Third Imperium Sectors/Alien Modules (not that canon has to be adhered to, and your text will be picked apart!)
Adventures/Mini-Campaigns (in the style of Beltstrike, Prison Planet and Trillion Credit Squadron)
Judge Dredd Adventures and Sourcebooks

If you are an established writer with past gaming credits to your name, send a one page outline of a project you wish to work on, highlighting proposed chapters and why you think the book will be so cool, to msprange@mongoosepublishing.com

Mongoose Publishing compensates writers of Traveller books by immediate sharing of revenue (35%) on sales of all electronic books. Given the popularity of Traveller, this can be quite lucrative for the right author and book.

If you are not an established writer, we are currently looking for several Traveller articles, which can be found here;


Some of the writers of past articles are now working on full titles for Traveller, so it is a good place to start!

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