Monday, March 10, 2014

WizKids Press Release - WizKids Promotional Product Licensing Agreement Amendment: Marvel HeroClix: Fear Itself

From the WizKids Website

Wizkids would like to thank everyone who participated in the Marvel HeroClix: Fear Itself storyline organized play event and the WizKids Promo Product Licensing Agreement (WKPPLA).

We are announcing that the Authorized Uses for the Fear Itself product covered under the WKPPLA are being amended.  You may continue to run more events and offer Fear Itself prizes for other HeroClix tournaments, but now stores may also offer Fear Itself boosters (SKU 70992) for retail sale. While we prefer that you use the remaining Fear Itself boosters for tournament play, we understand that schedules may not allow it and understand if you choose to simply sell the Fear Itself boosters over the counter.

Over the past year we’ve had a lot of success driving players to stores to participate in exciting events with incredible prizes. We want to preserve the value of the shared experience the FLGS and FLCS are creating, and again we thank you all for your help in making that happen. We would like to share some information with everyone to let you know that the WKPPLA is doing its job to that end. To date we have issued warnings to 32 stores, put 93 stores on Organized Play Probation and suspended 3 stores from selling WizKids products altogether.

We would like to ask for your continued support in this process and if you see stores violating our WKPPLA, feel free to report the issue via the web form at  As always, conduct violation reports will remain confidential and we will conduct a comprehensive investigation on the matter.   Your participation matters and we appreciate the help.

And finally, thank you again for your participation in the Fear Itself OP event and adherence to the WKPPLA. We look forward to your continued support and participation for any and all future OP events!

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