Wednesday, March 26, 2014

AEG Press Release - 2014 Floor Rules Update: Code of Bushido

From the Warlord Games Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

There has been an update to the 2014 Floor Rules, and the most current version can be found HERE.

Changes of note is the mention of ‘Code of Bushido’, which is also known as the Judges Reference Document, found HERE. In this document, which is referenced in the Floor Rules in the introduction and in Section 6, you will find detailed information on how infractions are defined and enforced.

In the update to the Floor Rules you will also find some wording updates, and clarification on the Honor Contest in section 3.K.

So please take a moment to review the updated information, and know the Floor Rules is a living document. One that is continuously striven to be improved on by the Events Team and the Tournament Organizers that work extremely hard to bring you events you can enjoy!


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