Wicked Manatee Games (WMG) is a new, young, indie company in a sea of game designers. They approach their first anniversary of operation (March 18). It has been a winding river for the manatee. Let’s see what they have been up to in their first year!

They stepped out of the gate in June 2013 with a Kickstarter attempt for their family card game: Do Your Job. The card game is fast, easy to learn and even has two different play styles for varying age groups. The first game variant has players attempting to collect the items they need to do their job, while the other variant pins the cops against the robbers in a mind-bending battle of the psyche. Despite all this, the Kickstarter campaign ended in defeat, being unfunded. The game is now published on The Game Crafter for individual purchasing.
WMG took a short break from the publishing route after losing hope in Kickstarter due to their lack of following and started working on networking (as well as a bunch of prototypes for various ideas). After attending Origins and Gencon, they focused a lot of their time on playtesting Lamort City which we will talk about later.

Skipping ahead to December, the manatee is back on the sea horse. In December, they started the #onegameamonth challenge and released Kitticicles via The Game Crafter. Kitticicles is a miniature cooperative tile game where players are attempting to explore a blizzard-ridden neighborhood to find their kitten mittens. This cute little game turns sadistic, however, when the kittens start to freeze to death as the storm overcomes their whiskers. Players must race to retrieve their mittens and find home-sweet-home before they become Kitticicles.

In January, Chamber of Janus was released under a new pay what you want, print and play style. Chamber of Janus is a dice-based level-explorer where players attempt to gain glory of the realm by defeating monsters that are plaguing the countryside. Fortunate for the valiant heroes, they are accompanied by the Chamber of Janus, a mythological device that allows for players to respawn. Unfortunately, the device is not perfect, and players may be spawning with a few… imperfections. Can you gain the glory of knighthood or will the Chamber of Janus become your new home?

In February, WMG published Lamort City on The Game Crafter. Lamort City is a turn-based game of survival. Players take on the role of a group of survivors trying to reclaim a city ravaged by a mad scientist who has unleashed his army of science projects upon the city. Only by building up their squad may the survivors overcome this unbearable force of monsters. Featuring a customizable game area, multiple game variants, and over a hundred different cards to improve your survivors, Lamort City is designed for replayability.
In due time, who knows what the devious manatee will bring us? To follow WGM, you can locate them on facebook, twitter, youtube, and check out their website!
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