Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - AWE - Antediluvian Wars: Extermination live on Kickstarter now!

From the Game Crafter Website


AWE is a non-collectible but highly expandable, tactical card game for 2 - 4 players set in a not-quite historically accurate prehistory, where, at the end of the last great ice age, four highly advanced but nowadays lost and almost forgotten civilizations wage epic wars on each other, with one goal: Extermination. The goal of the game is to breach your opponents’ defenses in order to “dethrone” their gods by means of a direct attack before your opponents can dethrone your godly leader.


Besides stunning artwork from an international cast of talented illustrators and a fantastic theme that got everything from dinosaur riders and war mammoths up to advanced Vimana aircraft and resurrecting Zombie T-Rexes, AWE shines with a pleasant mix of fresh and unique mechanics:

The “Three Way Play” concept lets you decide how to use your cards - either play them upright as units which will stay on the field to fight for you or protect you against opponent attacks OR you can play them upside-down (rotated 180 degrees) to use them as one-shot type, temporary events OR play them sideways to be used as resources. The “Wounded - Unwounded concept” lets you wound units first before they are slain (defeated). Wounded units may become stronger and go berserk getting additional abilities. Lastly, the resource system lets you stack cards in “resource mode” in order to recruit mightier units and unleash more powerful events upon your opponents and the fact that the topmost resource card determines the type of resource the whole stack will provide encourages and requires planning ahead in a clever manner.


So check out the awesome backer rewards, stretch goals and bonus items on the AWE Kickstarter here. We thank you in advance for any and all support and for considering to back the AWE-project!

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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