Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - TGC’s Kickstarter Experiment: Village in a Box

From the Game Crafter Website

Next week Wednesday we’re going to attempt a bold new experiment: we’re going to run a Kickstarter bundle project. Basically, we hand picked 8 games that we really like and are putting them together as a bundle for a very low price. This is an experiment, because we’re testing out both the bundle concept, and the methodology for running a campaign to see how the larger gaming community likes it. If it does well, we’ll do more in the future.

In our first ever bundle, there are 8 games, starting with our favorite game in the bundle Village in a Box.

We’re working with the designer of Village in a Box, Peter Jackson, to develop some new expansions as stretch goals.

The other games in the bundle (in no particular order) are: Trade Fleet, Noueni, Dungeoneering Dolls, Railroads, Monster City Planners, Starship Battles, and Overlords. We feel they’re all great games in their own right, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Over the next few weeks Gamer’s Remorse will be releasing reviews on each one of these games so you can get a better feel for them.

We’ll post more details soon. We just wanted to give you a heads up that this was happening. We’d love to hear your feedback on this little experiment of ours. Leave some comments below!

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