Friday, January 10, 2014

AEG Press Release - The Resolution Series: The Last Toturi

From the AEG Website

The Resolution Series: Tournaments for the L5R CCG

Over the history of the Legend of the Five Rings brand, there have been many storylines that have reached an epic and satisfying conclusion, most with the full participation of L5R’s amazing and engaging fanbase. Due to the nature of the ongoing storyline, however, it is inevitable that some plotlines fail to achieve proper resolution, and some simply fall by the wayside entirely. It is unfortunate, but a part of the ongoing, constantly reshaped narrative that has made L5R unique in the CCG world. This season, a series of tournaments will be taking place that are intended to revisit some of these forgotten plotlines, bringing closure where none was had in previous arcs. These plotlines will come from both the desires of the Story Team to find closure, and from those stories that the fans have asked for repeatedly over the years. It’s time for memories to come alive!

The Last Toturi

To be held on January 24th, in Braunschweig, Germany.

A Storyline Tournament for the L5R CCG
Many believe that the Toturi Dynasty was cursed by some quirk of fate, perhaps for no more reason than that it was the first to follow the Hantei Dynasty, the first dynasty of Rokugan and one fully endorsed by the entirety of the Celestial Heavens. Regardless of whether or not this is true, it can be said that the Toturi Dynasty lasted a short time in the grand scheme of things, with only three Emperors bearing that name and their combined rule lasting slightly less than half a century. With the death of the true Toturi family, only a handful of vassals remained who bore their name, and most of them returned to their families of birth. All save for one. 

Toturi Shigekawa was a commander of the Imperial Legions and a former member of the Lion Clan.   His service in the name of the Toturi was without reproach, and he was favored by all members of the family without bias toward one or the other. When the Iweko Dynasty began, Shigekawa offered his life to the Empress to erase the Toturi name from existence, but she declined. Instead, he bore the name Toturi until such time as he died, bearing only one child, a daughter, into the clan of her mother. 

The winner of this tournament will name the daughter of Toturi Shigekawa and determine into which family of the clan he or she is playing that the daughter was born.

Event Details:

Held on January 24th, at:
“The Grotrian” (Student Council building at Uni Braunschweig)
Zimmerstr. 24 c
Braunschweig, Niedersachsen 38126
Event Registration starts at 10:00 AM, and the 1st round begins at 11:00am.
The tournament organizer, Alexander Beckmann, may be contacted via the following:
Questions relating to this event may be sent to Dan Dineen, Major Events Manager,

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