Friday, January 31, 2014

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, January 30, 2014

Thursday Night Gaming at paradise Perks had a very good turn out again this week.  There were approximately 30 people at the event and 7 games were being played at any one time.

I was able to play two games at the event.

The first game was Tsuro.  Tsuro is a light game in that if it takes more that 20 - 30 minutes to play you are doing something wrong.  Tsuro consists of a 8 tile by 8 tile playing area.  The players take turns placing tiles on the board and moving their pieces along the trail on those tiles.  Once the player’s piece goes off the edge of the board or runs into another player’s piece they are out of the game.  The last player with a piece on the board wins the game.

We had seven players in the game which made the board very crowded.  Still we were able to go through tree turns before we had our first eliminations.  I was able to run two players into each other with the strategic placement of a tile.  Feelings of cleverness were short lived when two turns later I had to place the tile that ran me off the board and was the fourth person eliminated from the game, but I did take out the fifth player with that move as well.  The game ended a round later when one of the other players forced themselves of the map.

The other game I played that night was Organic Soup.  Organic Soup is a card game in which the players collect cards to create chemicals and chemical reactions.

The players start the game with a set of chemicals they can create, one simple, one complex, and one amino nucleic.  In addition there are basic chemicals available for creation on the table.  The players take turns either collecting carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen or oxygen atoms from 12 face up cards in the center of the table to create any chemical that is face up on the table or use atom from reaction is front of them to place a chemical in their hand down.  In addition when they are creating a new chemical they may steal unprotected atom from other players.  The game ends when there are no more atoms in the deck to place out or when a player creates the first amino nucleic acid.

In this game we played with four players which was a very different game form the three player games I had played previously.  We may also have found a flaw in the game during this play as well.  One of the players managed to corner the market on oxygen atoms so the rest of us were not able to build anything with those in them.  I was fortunately able to draw a simple formula that only needed graphite and nitrates and was able to get that formula out.  Unfortunately the soup ran out of atoms before I could get a complex formula played so at the end of the game I tied the oxygen hoarder for first place.

My stats for the event:

No. of Plays
Organic Soup



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